I hope my brother reader, the whole healthy as God has given you a safe awakening. It is important for me to ensure you get the right nationality regarding poultry farming all kinds. Today I would like to bring you a very important lesson to you as described above. Get me straight into today's lesson, chickens are very immale birds in the quality of her health. Often when a chicken is sick, there are various symptoms he will show them so that if the herder is careful it is easier to identify and support or treat. Below are a variety of symptoms that you will see for your chickens to find out which disease is. 1.Chicken breakout is one of the most unusual symptoms for chickens. Chicken is always so immitted to achieve that he cannot stay in one place. So if you see your chickens have long fabricated you know there is a problem, so it's important to investigate what the problem is so you can treat her in time before side effects Occur. For example, I one day found my c...
Mada: vifo vya gafla kwa kuku
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Mada: vifo vya gafla kwa kuku Nimatumaini yangu ndugu msomaji, u mzima wa afya njema kwa kadri Mungu alivyokujalia kuamka salama. Ni muhimu kwangu kuhakikisha unapata taaeifa sahihi kuhusiana na ufugaji wa kuku aina zote. Leo nimependa kukuletea somo muhimu sana kwako kama linavyojieleza hapo juu. Niingie moja kwa moja kwenye somo la leo, kuku ni ndege mchangamfu sana katika ubora wa afya yake. Mara nyingi kuku akiwa anaumwa kuna dalili mbalimbali atazionyesha ili kama mfugaji ukiwa makini ni rahisi kutambua na kumsaidia au kumtibu. Zifuatazo ni dalili mbalimbali ambazo utaziona kwa kuku wako ili ujue ni ugonjwa gani . 1.Kuku kuzubaa ni moja ya dalili isiyo ya kawaida kwa kuku. Mara zote kuku ni mchangamfu sana kufikia kwamba hawezi tulia sehemu moja. Kwa hiyo ukiona kuku wako amezubaa kwa muda mrefu ujue kuna tatizo, hivyo ni muhimu kuchunguza tatizo ni nini ili uweze kumtibu kwa wakati kabla madhara makubwa kutokea. Mfano, siku moja nilikuta kuku wangu kazubaa. Ikabidi n...
Ufugaji wa Sato
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Tujifunze kuhusu ufugaji wa samaki wa kisasa ambao hufanyika kwenye mabwawa ya kuchimbwa au visima na vitu vingine vinavofanana na hivyo. Kuna aina nyingi za samaki wa maji baridi ambao wanaweza kufugika kwa urahisi au ugumu kidogo tu na aina hizo wapo wale ambao sio wa kuzaliana(monosexual) na wale wa kuzaliana(heterosexual) Urahisi hapa uko zaidi kwenye kuwafuga wasiozaliana sababu hawaongezeki wakati wale wanaozaliana utakuwa na utaratibu wa kuhamisha fishling(vifaranga) sehemu nyingine. Rasilimali muhimu za kuwa nazo ili kufanikisha shughuli hii ni eneo la ardhi,maji, rasilimali watu na rasilimali fedha.Eneo la ardhi ndio litakaloonyesha ni kwa namna gani bwawa lako liwe,aidha la kujengea na cement,kutandika plastic au kuchimba na kulitumia hivyohivyo.Bwawa huchimbwa/kujengwa kwa kuwa na sakafu yenye ulalo kiasi(gentle slope/gradient) Wapo samaki aina ya Sato(Tilapia),Kambale(African catfish) na wengine aina ya pangasius ambao hufugwa kwa wingi sana. Unahitaji samaki 7-8 katik...
Are you a farmer and a farmer who would like to learn more in farming and rearing?
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Are you a farmer and a farmer who would like to learn more in farming and rearing? We would like to declare that we now provide a copy in the language system you use to contact us for our communication available on our page and don't let us love our pages or send them email to kijanaendelevu@gmail.comor
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AGRICULTURAL SUCCESS TECHNIQUES 1. GENERATE BULK Massive production helps to reduce costs that are inevitable and (Fixed Somalia). The more expensive it will also be able to sell your products at a small price and you'll still get a good advantage and secure the guaranteed market for your products. 2. SEARCH PRODUCT MARKETING BEFORE STARTING A PRODUCTION A successful farmer must also be a good business to let alone be a good producer. The farmer is good to create channels early to get customers of your product. The more expensive the cost will help you to find the most influential markets for customers. Make customers and customers create business.The customer wants three basic things. -Price relief -The quality of their -Access to the product's assurance If you assure those three things above, there is no doubt You will be sure to guarantee the point market. 3. USILIME TO FOLLOW THE SEASON When you are on the season, you will find many farmers producing some of them for a sin...
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SOIL FOR MELONS WATER The watermelon can be cultivable in many types of soil, but it makes it more comfortable on the sandy soil (fine sand), the dunes and the dunes. The soil type will affect the production of the ticket based on weather. For example, when you get a ticket to the clay soil when there are many rainfall, melons plants will not be able to thrive, because the soil of the clay would drain the water for rain and hence the crops die. Also, when you bring melons into the sandy soil, then there is not enough water plants will die by lack of water. Also remember the sandy soils are very fast enough, so you measure it on the soil of the species that make sure you have sufficient water and irrigation to be regular. WATER SUPPLY IN the FIELD (Drainage). Another criterion that a farmer should consider when finding the melons area is the soil capable of providing water, i.e. the soil that does not water. You can make the drain...
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FISH KEEPING: Keeping fish. It involves setting fish in reserve {Non-natural environments, in pools, or tanks} 1: REASONS FOR RAISING FISH. Given the increase in the number of people inside and outside our country has led to the high demand of fish, thus causing the reduction of fish in natural sources like rivers, milk and sea. And in this sense then the keeping of the FISH was instituted for the following reasons. I/. A significant increase in need for fish in and out of the country. II. Reduced fish to natural sources due to the increase in illegal fishing. III. They are able to produce a lot of more productive {benefits} in a small area and within a short period from 6 months. Iv/. They are very patient even in poor circumstances that are capable of living compared with other livestock. V/. Fish rearing helps reduce illegal fishing in our natural sources. 2: THE TYPES OF FISH ARE KEPT; There are many different types of fish placed in our country, but because of the ease of re...